Become a union child care provider
Learn more about how being part of Oregon Child Care Providers Together family networks helps you and the families you care for. Because we know Oregon doesn’t work without you!
Free promotion of your programs to other union members and the general public looking for high-quality in-home care.
We are the union for licensed in-home family child care providers and their staff in Oregon.
Free trainings you can do at home on how to grow your program, run your business and advocate for yourself
Access to a free college program or scholarships for you and your family
Local union leaders with experience running their own family child care programs.
Free and discounted services such as legal services , accident insurance, and health services, and much more.
Union representation standing with you for your rights.
“I am Registered Family daycare which allows me to care for a maximum of 10 children. I am a member of Oregon Child Care Providers Together because it is smaller family child care homes that provide specialized and individualized care, who need to be supported so we can grow our business or feel supported as a business owner.”
- Rachael Lamet
“We call our program, not a daycare, not a business but our labor of love. Love is the main reason why we do what we do. Our goal is not only to be the child care providers but to be like a second family to our children. We joined the union because in difficult times we know they have our backs!”
- Ali & Brenda Sanz
“Our certified family facility provides 24/7 care for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and school-aged children. We work hard to meet families needs and the needs of the children we care for. The union provides many training sessions, free to our members, so we and our staff can meet our training requirements to remain licensed and to always be improving our quality of care.”
- Anita Bates & James Hunter
We have people available to answer any questions you may have about union membership.
Contact our Member Services Center at 1-844-758-6466 or MSC@oregonafscme.org